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Rancho Ortega Blog discusses matters of public interest in South Orange County, including the communities of San Juan Capistrano, Ladera Ranch and Rancho Mission Viejo.

The writings of Don Juan Ortega on the Rancho Ortega Blog are the personal views of the author. This blog is not authored by nor does it have any affiliation whatsoever with any other person, place or entity using the name "Rancho Ortega" (or any similar name).

We have installed some new anti-spam software, and we are going to try again with open registration. Registration and sign-in information are available at the bottom of the far right column. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, you may email us at



An Important Clarification About Our Blog

In a post almost exactly one year ago, we answered the question “What is Rancho Ortega?“ In that post, we tried to answer the question who we are, but we also took pains to explain who we are not. We mentioned that we are not affiliated with any of the businesses or entities that use [...]

Random Search Term of the Day

To the person who Googled “who was the father of the California ranch house” — you’re welcome!

A Public Thank You

We here at the Rancho Ortega Blog want to thank the kind folks at Rancho Mission Viejo Company. In an act of generosity, they invited yours truly out for a private tour of Rancho Mission Viejo. We visited a number of areas on the Ranch and talked a lot about the history of the Ranch [...]

A Little Transparent Self-Promotion

So apparently, we are a “news outlet.” At least according to OCTA’s most recent weekly newsletter:

Feb. 20 & Feb. 21 – The Capistrano Dispatch, Orange County Register, San Juan Capistrano Patch and Rancho Ortega Blog were among the news outlets to report on the Feb. 20 groundbreaking ceremony for the I-5 Ortega Highway Interchange, [...]

Is Cityhood in the Future for Rancho Mission Viejo and Ladera Ranch?

Will Rancho Mission Viejo be Orange County’s 35th City? That’s the question recently asked by the Orange County Register in this article.

“There’s a strong revenue base for the development of an incorporated city,” Orange County Supervisor Pat Bates said.

Bates, in her role as a member of the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission, [...]

Random Search Term of the Day – “Basement Escape Tunnel”

We sense the makings of a recurring feature. Last month, we wondered out loud how and why someone found us by Googling “Fear Hope and Greed.” Today, we welcome the visitor who found us by Googling “basement escape tunnel.” They likely ended up on our Haunted Orange County post about Plummer Auditorium and the Tunnel [...]

Fear Hope and Greed

Bet that title got your attention, huh?

Here at Rancho Ortega, we monitor our website’s analytics fairly closely. One metric to which we pay attention is which search terms are referring traffic to our site. That gives us some idea of what our readers are interested in, and sometimes it gives us a tip as [...]

Rancho Ortega Cited on Wikipedia

We’ve been cited on Ladera Ranch’s Wikipedia page as an authority on the role of the Ladera Ranch Civic Council. We suspect the citation was the result of this. In any event, thank you to whomever felt we were worthy of a citation on Wikipedia! That’s cool.

Happy New Year!

We’re back, and will resume our blogging shortly. We hope each of you had a happy, healthy and safe holiday season and we wish you nothing but the best for 2013. Happy New Year, South Orange County!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and We’ll See You in 2013!

From all of us here at the Rancho Ortega Blog to all of you, we extend to you our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year! We’re going to take a holiday hiatus for the next week or so, but we’ll be back in 2013.
